We buy and grow great companies

What we do

We buy businesses without time-wasting brokers or hazzle

We are looking to acquire companies with minimum £500k / DKK 4M  in revenue and minimum 5 employees. We are primarily interested in family or founder owned businesses based in England or Denmark.

We prefer companies in sectors we know very well with focus on B2B services, Industrial products, Manufactoring, Food & drinks and Advertising. We only do significant investment stakes, no startups, growth investments or minority stakes.

About Me


I founded Atlantic CA, a shipping company in South Africa. The company quickly gained a 50% a market share of the avocado export and then continued to consolidate the position by adding on services.


I joined Korral, the fastest growing Corporate Finance company in Copenhagen, and made more than 25 acquisitions while raising over £100m from investors.


I acquired Kaffebryggeriet together with a partner. We scaled it from £100k turnover to £5m turnover and added two tug-on acquis


I acquired Polaris Light, a LED light manufacturer, and built it to one of the leading industrial LED light providers in the UK.


I acquired a stake in Buzzframe, a leading Danish Video and advertising agency serving the hospitality sector.


I acquired a stake in Cubes Drinks, a company producing Cubes with fruit extracts and vitamins, that makes your drinking water taste delicious.

My Investment Approach

When I partner with a family or founder who has built an enduring business, my goal is to build upon the strong foundations that are already in place. I want to preserve and grow what makes your business special and find opportunities for your team to grow alongside the business as well. I want to help you find a meaningful long-term home for your business, create opportunities for your team to grow and thrive, and build upon what makes your company special.

01. Build On Success

I believe in preserving and building upon the core of what makes a company special and investing in growth by building upon, rather than tearing down, the foundations that have made your business a proven success.

02. Take Care of Good People

Partnering with and finding ways to empower and provide opportunity for your trusted employees and team is a fundamental part of my approach.

03. Speed & Certainty of Close

I can move quickly and can close in as little as 45-60 days. I can often sidestep the lengthy and burdensome process of traditional private equity diligence and get the deal done with minimal disruption to your life and your business. I have closed on many transactions that no other buyer could figure out.

04. Win-Win Thinking

I know that good partnerships are created when both parties are fair and come to the table to work together and create a win-win. I don’t believe in doing business any other way. I won’t do a deal without feeling that it’s fair and equitable to everyone involved.

My investment process:


Discovery call

I can move quickly and can close in as little as 45-60 days. I can often sidestep the lengthy and burdensome process of traditional private equity diligence and get the deal done with minimal disruption to your life and your business. I have closed on many transactions that no other buyer could figure out.



Valuation is a tangible determination of a business’s worth. Accurate valuation protects all parties involved in an acquisition. We multiply EBIDTA or SDE by an industry multiple to determine valuation. Other factors, such as market data, competitors, assets, and intangible data about unique assets, are also considered. Half of the businesses that start the discovery phase continue on to the completion of the valuation process.


Making an Offer

Once we have an understanding of the business and have determined a fair valuation for it, the final phase is to present the offer to the business owner. The offer can consist of an acquisition, a partnership, or a combination of both. Acceptance of an offer from the business owner means that the business owner can expect a closing within weeks, sometimes even days — not months.

Who we are

We are founders like you

Being a Founder and Entrepreneur for over 20 years I understand that a business acquisition is far more than a business transaction for the business owner. It is a process that involves a great deal of planning, mutual trust, and excitement. You’re allowing a stranger to step into your old dream and carry the torch or while giving yourself the freedom to step into your new dream. People choose to sell their businesses for a variety of reasons. For some, it is time to retire. For others, it is time to focus on a new passion. Many business owners just want a change, and many are enthusiastically seeking relief from some part of their once beloved business that is no longer satisfying their professional and personal needs.
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Whatever the reason, our team understands that business owners do not seek acquisitions to buy services, have conversations, or get involved in some never ending process. Business owners start the acquisition process because they want and need a change sooner rather than later. Our team has an allegiance to getting business owners to your next opportunity, whatever that may be.

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